
How to Compare Two Job Offers and Pick the Best One


The kind of dilemma that every job seeker would love to have is choosing between two great job offers. However, this might not be the case when you have to fret over the offers, zooming in on the details to compare both, and also feeling the pressure to act fast. When you are interviewing for each of the jobs, you want to prove that you are the best person for that specific role, but how to know that you are making the right choice by selecting one of these organizations? 

Here are some tips on comparing the job offers, so that you can make up your mind and pick the one that offers the most fulfilling future for you.

1. Considering how each of the jobs aligns with your long-term career goals

Now that you have two job offers in your hand, it is time for you to consider how each of these job prospects aligns with your future career goals. Instead of focusing on what you can do for the organization, you must consider what each organization can do for you. Revise everything you learned about the job, the company, and the culture during the interview process.

Ask yourself questions like which job offers the chance to learn new skills, which job lines up with your future career goals, which job challenges you. Carefully assess which job has more opportunities for growth than the other. When you are having trouble deciding between two great job offers, always consider both through the lens of your long-term career goals. Take into consideration which position holds the most promise, and then choose the one that will allow you to reach where you want to go.

2. Assessing the work culture of each organization

Almost all the hiring managers assess cultural fit during an interview as they want to make sure if the potential employee will fit in well with their organization. But the cultural fit is not a one-sided thing. You must decide whether each organization is a good fit for you. It can get exhausting day after day when you are working in a toxic work environment which can impact your productivity, significantly. You will gradually lose steam in an unsuitable workspace even if you are passionate about the organizations’ goals. On the other hand, you might develop a passion for an organization if its work culture makes you feel challenged and valued. 

Hence, it becomes crucial to learn about the work culture of each workplace when choosing between two job offers. Figure out if you’re looking for a culture of collaboration, flexibility, challenges, or independence, and then opt for the organization that would be the best cultural fit for you.

3. Weighing salary with personal satisfaction

Of course, salary is an important factor, but it is not the only important factor. Personal satisfaction from your job is also paramount. If the job that you don’t want space a lot more than the one that you want, you will need to weigh whether a higher salary will make up for working a job that you don’t like. A higher salary might not boost your happiness much if you are frustrated and tired for forty or more hours per week.

If one of the jobs’ pay is so low that you won’t be able to sustain yourself, you should probably go for the one that pays you enough. But if both the jobs pay you enough to meet your needs, it might be better that you choose the more fulfilling one. It is recommended that you decide on your job, not necessarily for the money, but for how closely the offer aligns with your values.

4. Considering what a typical day in each role would look like

Both the offers will have their pros and cons, and neither is going to be superior to the other. One way to cut through this is to analyze how a typical day in each role would be like. Make a list of everything as petty as your commute options, options for lunch, who are you going to interact with, if the job involves travelling, how is the office building, and what are you going to work on every day.

It is best to make a comparison chart and have it all written down in front of you to understand what you would be getting into with each job option. Envision yourself going through the motions of a typical day in each job and choose the one that you think suits you the best.

5. Evaluation of benefits package

Compensation packages range in what they cover, and so it is essential that you fully understand what is included in each of the packages. The most common benefit employees consider while choosing a job is health insurance, but you can also consider benefits like annual allocation of paid leaves, if you are eligible for commissions, bonuses, or stocks, if any of the jobs offer you tuition assistance, any other unique offer in the package, like unemployment insurance or life insurance, etc.

6. Trust your gut

Once you are done with your calculations and research, take a step back and check in with what your intuition has to say. You must trust yourself because you know yourself and your work preferences better than anyone else. Even if your research and calculations are urging you to go against your gut because one offer may seem more prestigious than the other, but you know that you would be happier with the alternative, trust yourself. Sometimes, you have to take the risk and leap into the offer that excites you. Trust your instincts because they are most probably telling you to do what is right for you.

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